One of the most sensitive topics I am writing about right now is "loyalty does not exist." We are only loyal to certain people for a limited time, and this is true. Once we get better opportunities or better things than them, we are obviously turning back on them. There is no doubt about it: We are all mean.
As far as I know, loyalty and trust aren't gray. It's either black or white, which means yes or no. You are either completely loyal or trusting or completely disloyal or distrusting; there is no in-between.
What's loyalty?
Loyalty is inextricably linked to the fundamental values of faith, love, allegiance, and honesty. When things get tough, loyalty means staying with the people you care about. It doesn't mean allowing someone to treat you like nothing and expect you to stay with them no matter what. Very different. They will never let you go and will remain loyal regardless of the circumstance. They will never even consider other options.
Does it exist nowadays?
Yes, it does exist, but it's very rare to find. I've seen best friends betray each other behind each other's backs; I've seen people have second marriages; and I've seen people flirt with another person even when they're committed. I see a lot of those things in my day-to-day life. Not only have I witnessed but I have also experienced cheating from my partner. So, for me, maintaining trust and expecting loyalty from others is a difficult task. Still, I will not say that loyalty does not exist because I have seen good examples, albeit infrequently.
Loyalty for me is keeping secrets because I am a writer and I have written about a lot of topics regarding my experience on the internet. Still, I have some topics that I never write about. Keeping those things secret after telling a person about them means "loyalty" to me.
Why is relationship cheating becoming more prevalent?
The short answer to all of these inquiries is that in the 21st century, loyalty no longer exists. Now, I'm sure that some of you will try to correct me by saying, "Man, there are still some loyal people who stand by their choices" over here. See, the expression "some people" says it all. Why don't all of us?
We talk to at least one broken person every day who was dumped and cheated on by another person. And that particular broken soul experiences a terrible phase that no ordinary person can comprehend. Because they put a lot of time and effort into that relationship, when they are dumped or cheated on by their loved ones, they break so badly that there are few chances they will ever be able to get back together. They lose faith in relationships and love. They lose faith in others. They would rather be alone than have anyone else in their lives.
Cheating is once again a choice that takes precedence over loyalty. You'll have a lot of excuses to cheat on your life partner, I promise. There will be so many attractive individuals who will undoubtedly test your devotion to your loved one. However, the only reason you would have to support your partner is out of mutual love and loyalty.
Now, everything is based on pretending to be happy and in love on social media. Believe it or not, the idea of a romantic relationship has been completely transformed by social media. Nobody comes to this world to devote their entire lives to a single individual. They just stay together for a short time before choosing another partner. Additionally, relationships have lost the element of loyalty as a result of this mess.
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However, there are numerous other factors that influence a person's loyalty, in addition to social media fraud and cheating. However, these are the primary factors that have eliminated loyalty. Yes, I concur that there are still devoted gems in this world; however, I will ask again. Why don't all of us? If everyone made the decision to remain loyal to their loved ones, wouldn't it be better for the world? Will it not result in a positive change?