The last post I posted was a trilogy on this blog, while I was setting up my second blog "Offshore Muse" on which I dropped two posts about explaining my feelings about song lyrics. Then I took a break as I was running out of topics but somehow I just came across this topic
"The most important insights that I have learned this month" . This month was a boost to my career. Last month's planned things were successes so I just moved on with those plans, but meanwhile these are the things that helped me out to keep my mind in focus. Not only that, but these ideas helped me in a variety of other ways, which is why I'm sharing them here.
Take care of the people who love you and care for you unconditionally. 

This is the biggest thing that has made me happy this month. Keeping people I love happy worked back out for me this month. The good thing about making them happy was the smile they had on their faces. I even made a female bestfriend and I did my best to keep her happy. It's priceless to do something nice for her and then see her smile in return. Not just her but I was available for my best friends every time they needed me, which again made me happy. I celebrated my mom's birthday this month with my own money and her happiness was priceless too. The more I gave, the more I got, and eventually I ended up happy too. Yes, I didn't expect the same efforts from them but the feeling was great. So, this is the first thing I learned this month.
Never neglect your career. It will not only pay your bills, but will give you an identity

The best parts of my life are music and these blogs I write. Importantly, those two things make me truly happy and make money too. Music gave me everything, from my music idol "Kunal Dada" to enough money to get through the month with plenty of savings and do well enough to make my parents happy. On my blog, my trilogy had a great viewership, which ended up making money for me. Avoiding those parties and unnecessary meetups gave me time to work and sharpen my skills on a day-to-day basis. It doesn't mean I don't hang out with my friends and relax, or that all I do is work. Nah, I do go out and do everything but time management is something I truly focused on this month and it worked out for me back.
Never let go the person who understands you before you speak something 

When you take a person who understands you better than you understand yourself for granted, God will immediately remove him or her from your life because God is fair. It's a human tendency to take things for granted when you know this person is not going anywhere and that's where we lose them. We do the same with non-living things. I saw one of my friends who purchased the latest iPhone model for Rs. 1 lakh and 60 thousand and he took care of that phone merely for 2-3 days and on further days, he lost insight into the value that the phone had, and that's what happens with us humans. So, if you are lucky enough to find someone who understands and values you, don't let them go or take them for granted because if you lose them, it's a real loss for you.
Sometimes it’s alright to pretend, rather than explaining what you really feel inside

Everyone has problems and we all deal with the stuff we don't talk about and that's pretty normal nowadays, I think. The world needs a shoulder to cry on and that's true. Very few of us don't cry in front of everyone and very few people are there who genuinely love to hear you out. The other 90% just pretend and don't even care about what you go through. Furthermore, they will laugh at you behind your back, so it is best to pretend when you don't know who to go to and express your feelings. 
Don't let those self inspiration quotes fool you 

I came across a lot of posts that said "looks don't matter" "money doesn't matter" "love doesn't matter" and many other lists of the things that doesn't matter, but it's not reality. Everything matters; don't let those quotes fool you and make you feel satisfied because you don't have certain things and that quote tells you that they don't matter. You can be fooled but the world is too mean.

That's it. So far, I've gained this much knowledge and have done my best to share it with you. I hope you enjoyed the reading. For more content, you can just surf my blog or read more by clicking on Offshore Muse or Offshore Scribe.