The day I Learned How Gossip can be harmful | Blog by Yash Gadade
Anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists have reported that it is a natural part of being human and have even highlighted the origins and functions of gossip, according to Dr. Ottilia Brown at Lighthouse Arabia in Dubai.
"Our ancestors used gossip to garner support against outgroups and gain status within the group a few thousand years ago," said Dr. Brown.
During that time, he explained, gossip provided valuable information that helped people survive and thrive, and it was also used to bond with other members of the group or to isolate those that weren't cooperating.
People are related to gossip. Where there are groups, there are gossips," said the doctor. Brown. This ability is passed down from generation to generation and is still used as a social tool today.
Experts distinguish between 'good' and 'bad' gossip. Is this distinction valid?.
Good gossip
Generally speaking, good gossip serves the group's interests rather than the individual's. The tool can also be used for reminding group members of their goals and for punishing those who violate them.
In addition to bonding, gossip can also promote communication between individuals.
This happens when you provide information to someone you trust and will not use it against you in the future.
You can also use 'good' gossip to warn you about potentially harmful behavior.
Those who believe gossip about others' negative attitudes and behaviors may be motivated to regulate their own similar behavior, enabling them to act more socially responsible and appropriately, should they recognize some of the gossip patterns within themselves.
People tend to gossip with close friends, family, and people they trust and like, which indicates a close relationship.
Good gossip includes sharing the good news about colleagues performing well on projects or exams, letting a friend know when there is inappropriate behavior towards them, or alerting your children when they engage in inappropriate behavior.
Bad gossip
Conversely, some individuals engage in gossip in order to further their own interests without caring about those of others. It can be described as 'bad type' of gossip.
By using gossip, one can take advantage of the misfortunes of others during a time of vulnerability to advance their own interests.
Gossip can also be used 'politically' as a method of eliminating someone from a social group or competing for status in organizations and institutions.
Rumor's can be spread in organizations, families, and on social media to bully.
People who engage in bad gossip may get pleasure from shaming and slandering others and telling humiliating stories of oneself or using others' misfortune and bad conduct for comic relief or to elevate themselves.
Unfortunately, most gossip takes the form of criticism.
Those who spread rumours or add to the truth in a misleading way could be considered 'bad' gossip.
Getting rid of gossip is never too late
The good news is that bad gossiping can be unlearned, just like any other negative behavior.
By using social media platforms and by writing informative articles on the subject, awareness can be created.
People are advised to stop participating in bad gossip and to either be silent don't do anything or speak out against it.
Most gossipers are unaware of the harmful effects of 'bad' gossip.
The person being gossiped about may suffer emotional and social damage if the gossip results in the spread of negative private information that could harm their reputation, adversely affect their social standing, or worse, result in the loss of something.
As Dr. Brown pointed out, bad gossip has overwhelmingly too much negative and deep effects on the gossiper. There is a possibility that people listen eagerly to gossip, but they do not likely trust the individual. He continued, "The gossiper is known for breaking promises and lacking integrity in protecting private information."
These types of people are often immature, Idiots, exaggerate often to elevate themselves in some way, or self Bossed and may appear to be envious of others every time.
According to Dr Brown, their loyalty may be questionable, and they may suffer from deep-seated feelings of insecurity, causing them to focus on the misfortune of others so they can feel better about themselves.
Children can be taught about the dangers of gossiping from their parents, especially when it comes to bad gossiping.
1. Set an example. Children do what their parents do and how they be. So, if you are doing "bad type" of gossip then apparently it's your parents fault.
2. Describe how gossip is harmful. It is important for them to understand that rumours and gossip usually distort the truth, and the original message may have been significantly altered over time.
3. Develop empathy as a valuable skill. Identify how harmful gossip is similar to hurtful teasing when children are participating in it.
4. Teach children to respect the privacy of other person. Even if they are gossiping about something that is true and if the topic is sensitive, it can still be harmful for that individual.
5. Promote healthy friendships among children and make sure you track the activities.
6. Children should learn how to stop rumors from spreading and to report something to someone in authority. Teach them to stand for right even if no one is standing for it.
blog by Yash Gadade